Building a Second Brain, or what I shorten to BSB, is essentially a branded process for digital meta learning. You use your one-to-one devices, services and apps to build an "external, centralized, digital repository for the things you learn and the resources from which they come." Those things and resources are organized in such a way that you tap into it as needed to create new thinking.
The BSB process is below: I. Remember
How might BSB be of value to an administrator? How might it be of value to staff? How might it be of value to students? Is this a mindset/skillset that ALL of us would benefit developing in ourselves as we use one-to-one devices? My personal thinking is this: We still and forever need our kids to read and think critically; they must be able to communicate effectively; and they must understand the systems in which they are a part of (both natural and social). But ultimately, in our age of information overflow, where the totality of human knowledge can be accessed at any time, they must develop skills beyond specific facts. They must learn how to access data based on their individual need, then connect that data to their ongoing, personal learning, and finally be able to make something out of that data (Seth Godin calls the latter ‘shipping the work.’) Administrators, staff, students - all of us - need to learn how to build our second brain. Otherwise, we are failing to use our one-to-one devices, and therefore our own minds, at their full potential. The cool thing is this is a practice that we (administrators, staff, and students) get to learn together because it is hardly mastered by any of us, no matter our level of “education.”
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